My familys recipe for monkey bread, which varies from the traditional by being a biscuit not a dessert.
Fast GeoIP Queries in MySQL
Many moons ago, I tried to use the GeoIP database, via MySQL – and discovered that MySQL was doing the wrong thing with the queries. Naturally, I found some tricks to make it faster.
The End
As of today, Hordes of Orcs 2 will no longer be available for purchase.
License of UnityUnit
I was asked today about what license UnityUnit is released under. Since I didn’t explicitly state the rights and terms one can’t reasonably assume that it is safe to use it! So, I am officially noting that all versions of UnityUnit to date are released under the BSD license. Enjoy!
Unit Testing in Unity
Until now, there has been no good solution for building unit tests for games built using Unity. As of today, there is. Get the package (version: 20090704) here.